Signature Land Advisors entitled this infill redevelopment in the City of Sunnyvale’s R-4 High Density Residential Zoning District in the popular Morse Park neighborhood. The site currently consists of a vacant light manufacturing building and surface parking lot that sit at 470 Persian Drive, near Fair Oaks Avenue and the Lawrence Expressway entrance to Highway 237. The majority of the surrounding parcels in the Tasman/Fair Oaks Industrial to Residential zoning area have been built out as new residential developments over the past 20 years, leaving 470 Persian Drive as one of the few remaining parcels for new housing in this area. The development challenge, as with many former industrial sites is dealing with residual contamination, bringing residential infrastructure to the site while designing a contemporary product to meet market demand and price points.
LOCATION: 470 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA
1.71 acre site
27.5 du/ac
47 stacked flats
2 and 3 bedroom layouts
900 to 1,230 square feet
Tentative Map, Design Review and Mitigated Negative Declaration approval June 2013
Department of Toxic Substances Control approved
Response Action Workplan July 2013